
25位頂級交易大師的”交易忠告”:第23位 Michael Steinhardt邁克爾·斯坦哈特


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編譯:CopyWinner富智贏家-Smith Pan

25位頂級交易大師的交易忠告23 Michael Steinhardt邁克爾·斯坦哈特


A good trader has to have three things: a chronic inability to accept things at face value, to feel continuously unsettled, and to have humility.
-        MICHAEL STEINHARDT邁克爾·斯坦哈特

Michael H. Steinhardt  (born December 7, 1940) is an American hedge fund manager, financier, investor, newspaper publisher, and philanthropist active in Jewish causes. He was one of the first prominent hedge fund managers, and is a graduate of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He founded Steinhardt,  Fine, Berkowitz & Co., a hedge fund, in 1967. 邁克爾·斯坦哈特H.(生於1940127日)是美國的對沖基金經理,金融家,投資者,報紙出版商和慈善家活躍在猶太人的原因。他是第一個突出的對沖基金經理之一,是賓夕法尼亞大學沃頓商學院的畢業生。於1967年他創立了斯坦哈特、精細、貝爾科維奇等基金和公司,以及對沖基金。

The more tough lessons you learn early on, the fewer (bigger) errors you make later .  A common mistake of all young investors is to be too trusting with brokers, analysts, and newsletters who are trying to sell you something . 你早早學習到愈加慘痛的教訓,以後你會犯較少的(大)的錯誤。所有的年輕投資者的一個常見的錯誤,就是太相信這些經紀人、分析師和新聞簡報等人試圖賣給你的東西。

Devote your full intensity for success over the long-term . 把你的全部專注力投入在長期成功交易上。

Do constant research on subjects that make you money .  Plow through the data so as to be able to sense a major change coming in the macro situation . 請在不斷研究讓你賺錢的主題。通過數據庫以便能夠感測在宏觀情況下的未來重大變化。

Investors never have all the data they need before they put their money at risk .  Investing is all about decision-making with imperfect information . You will never have all the info you need . What matters is what you do with the information you have .  Do your homework and focus on the facts that matter most in any investing situation . 投資者永遠不會有他們需要的所有數據,除非他們把自己的錢在曝露在風險裡。投資是所有關於信息不完善的決策。你永遠不會有你需要的所有信息。重要的是你對獲知的信息如何使用。做好你的功課,並專注於任何投資情況下的大部分重要的事實。

Intuition is more than just a hunch — it resembles a hidden supercomputer in the mind that you’re not even aware is there .  It can help you do the right thing at the right time if you give it a chance .  Over time, your own trading experience will help develop your intuition so that major pitfalls can be avoided . 直覺不僅僅是一種預感 - 它類似於一台你所不知道卻存在你心中的隱藏超級計算機。它可以幫助你在正確的時間做正確的事,如果你給它一個機會。隨著時間的推移,自己的交易經驗將有助於發展你的直覺,這樣可避免常見的交易陷阱。

You only have so much time and energy so when you put your money in play . So, if you’re going to put money at risk, make sure the reward is high enough to justify it . 你只需要這麼多的時間和精力,這同時才能把你的錢投資在市塲上。所以,如果你打算把錢置於風險之中,請確保投資報酬是高到足以證明你的投資是對的。

to be continued ...待續...
(下回连载25位頂級交易大師的交易忠告 24 John Templeton約翰·鄧普頓)

REFERENCES :  ritholtz.com, thinkexist.com, wikipedia.org, jeconline.com, bloomberg.com
EditEd by brandon Clay布蘭登·克萊

( Chinese translation & Editor中文翻譯&編輯者:CopyWinner富智贏家-Smith Pan)