
25位頂級交易大師的”交易忠告”:第2位 WARREN BUFFET沃倫•巴菲特

「投資界交易經典」電子書-中英文CW 連載 …   (編譯:Smith Pan)

25位頂級交易大師的交易忠告2 WARREN BUFFET沃倫•巴菲特


I will tell you how to become rich.Close the doors. 請閉門密晤,我會告訴你如何致富的秘密。

Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful.當眾人貪婪時候,我們要戒慎恐懼。當眾人恐懼的時候,我們反而要貪婪。


   Warren Buffett沃倫•巴菲特

Warren Edward Buffett  (born August 30, 1930) is an American business magnate, investor and philanthropist. He was the most successful investor of the 20th century. Buffett is the chairman, CEO and largest shareholder of Berkshire Hathaway, and consistently ranked among the worlds wealthiest people. 沃倫•愛德華•巴菲特(生於1930830號)是美國商業巨頭,投資者和慈善家。他是20世紀最成功的投資者。巴菲特的伯克希爾哈撒韋公司的董事長,首席執行官和最大股東,並一直名列世界上最富有的人之一。

Nothing sedates rationality like large doses of effortless money . 世界上並沒有所謂合理穩定收益之投資保證,猶如妄想不勞而獲巨量橫財的人性迷思 !

The most important quality for an investor is temperament, not intellect . You need a temperament that neither derives great pleasure from being with the crowd or against the crowd . 對於投資者最重要的素質是性格,而不是智力。你需要一種對交易樂趣油然而生的性格,無論是來自支持群眾的聲音或反對眾群的雜訊,均不影響你的投資交易決策。

Successful Investing takes time, discipline and patience .  No matter how great the talent or effort, some things just take time: You cant produce a baby in one month by getting nine women pregnant . 成功的投資需要時間,紀律和耐心。無論多麼偉大的天賦和努力,有些事是需要時間,切記投資獲利並非一蹴可及的事:「投資就像撫育子女成年一般,需要長時間的教養培育。試想,違反常理而期望同時讓九名婦女懷孕一個月期間,旋即誕生一個嬰兒,那是不可能的任務。」

Opportunities come infrequently . When it rains gold, put out the bucket, not the thimble Diversification is a protection against ignorance .  It makes very little sense for those who know what they’re doing . The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything「機會是不常到來的。天空下著黃金雨之際,機不可失,請快拿出水桶」;譬如人們使用不同的頂針穿線,就僥倖地以為可保護手指不被刺傷一般,殊不知,為了防免無知之過,而錯失最佳投資機會。因為,對於交易策略了然於胸並落實執行的投資者來說,掌握時機之投資,才是具有意義的事。自以為成功的人與真正成功的人之間的區別,在於真正成功的人行事低調,決不媚俗嘩眾而輕易透露出所有交易有關的細節眉角。

Ive seen more people fail because of liquor and leverage leverage being borrowed money . You really dont need leverage in this world much .  If youre smart, youre going to make a lot of money without borrowing . 我已經看到了許多的人,因為酗酒誤事或採高槓桿比投資而失敗 以高槓桿化為例,係擴張信用之高風險投資而遭斷頭。在這個殘酷現實的金融市塲,為了避開投資誤區與交易迷思,你真的不需要使用高槓桿高風險來操作。如果你夠聰明,不必要冒風險擴大投資而借貸。只要良好的交易思維與交易方法,你仍能獨力投資而致富。

What an investor needs is the ability to correctly evaluate selected businesses . Note that word “selected”: You don’t have to be an expert on every company, or even many . You only have to be able to evaluate companies within your circle of competence . The size of that circle is not very important; knowing its boundaries, however, is vital .投資者必需具備能正確評價並篩選企業的能力。需要注意的是單詞“篩選”:「對於選擇投資乙事,你不必成為眾多公司各個領域的專家,你只需針對在你熟悉及勝任的領域,篩選投資標的,深入研究其公司的基本面,才能正確評估該公司或產業的投資價值。以投資角度來看,該產業領域圈子的大小,並不是很重要; 深入瞭解該公司或產業領域範圍,才是至關重要的。」

to be continued ...待續...

EditEd by brandon Clay布蘭登·克萊

( Chinese translation & Editor中文翻譯&編輯者:Smith Pan )